Interactive MarkDown
A file format specification for notebooks
The specification
Normal markdown for most
Code blocks have their particularities
They use triple backticks and language tags for syntax highlighting
They use triple dots to signify continuation
let myFunction = x => y => {
Some explication about currying...
return x*y + x/y
console.log(myFunction(3, 5))
Interactive core
The interactive core for js
would be called for the whole function definition and application
To make the code blocks interactive, some metadata is used to link a language to a js script
js: ./cores/js-core.js
rust: ./cores/rust-core.js
Those cores take strings as inputs and outputs to the notebook via a logger
// Very dumb Deno js example of such core script
let core = (string: input => void): logger) => (string: code) => {
let filename = `./tmp/${}.js`
Fs.createFile(filename, code)
let output =`deno run ${filename}`)